For those of you who read my blog, you will know that I am a big fan of using the iPad during my sessions. When used in conjunction with other therapeutic activities, it can be a highly motivating and educational tool.

I like that you can add a hands on activity once you have finished playing with this app. You can have all the pieces cut out of construction paper so you can have the kids make their very own Big Green Monster. If you are working on teaching kids how to draw people, this can be a fun activity to reinforce where all the parts of the face go.
Sago, Sago Mini Monsters-Sago Sago has been a long time favorite of mine and children love all of the apps that they create. Each of these great apps are colorful and engaging and stimulate language, fine motor and visual motor/perceptual skills. In Sago Min Monsters, children are able to create their own colorful monsters. They can add details to make their monster their very own. When they are all done creating them, they can interact with the monsters with pain, food and decorations. Kids think it's hilarious that they can feed the monsters and if they don't like the food, they will spit it out at them. They can have them play with toys and instruments. All of the interactive components make this a great app for working on following directions and language development.
You can add a fine-motor/craft component to this by cutting out similar monster parts and having the kids create a paper monster that they get to take home.
Labo Halloween Car-the kids I work with love the racing games so when I saw the Halloween Car app by Labo Lado, I had to have it. I've used it with a few of the kids I work with and they really are loving it. They get to choose from 12 different cars, several of them being Halloween themed (think bat, pumpkin and ghost). They get to color it any way they want, add wheels and then add details and a character to make their car their very own. Once they have completed designing it, they get to take it on a ride through different spooky racing routes.

You can add a fine-motor/craft component to this by cutting out similar monster parts and having the kids create a paper monster that they get to take home.

This app is great for working on improving graphomotor skills, encouraging creativity and visual motor/perceptual skills. Also great for working on executive functioning skills, such as focus and attention and organizational skills.

**one thing I noticed is that some of the letters that we typically start at the top (M and N for example), actually start at the bottom. Could be confusing for some kids but there are a lot more positive things about this app that make it a good one to add to your handwriting app choices.
If you are concerned about using an iPad during therapy, keep in mind that there are a ton of ways to make it more therapeutic. I also can't Here are a few examples of things you can do to make using the iPad more meaningful, whether it be at home or during your therapy sessions:
*use a stylus-many of the apps can be done using a stylus. So even though the kids are absorbed in the app, they are working on developing a proper grasp.
*many of the kids I work with need to work on increasing their overall body strength, particularly upper body and neck/head. Have them go on the net swing and play the apps.
*if you work with groups of kids, almost any of these apps can be good for a small group setting. They will have to compromise about colors for their cars, what to feed the monster, take turns playing instruments, etc.. There are a lot of great social opportunities available when using the iPad in a therapeutic setting.
I would love to hear if any of you have some great Halloween or fall-themed apps that I should check out. I like to take advantage of holidays and mix things up during my sessions. Between the great arts and crafts activities, baking activities and the iPad apps, I have been rejuvenated the last couple of weeks during my sessions. The kids are also having a great time and excited for new things at the gym. So if you have any fun things to suggest to me or my readers, please share them! I am always a click away and love hearing from you all!