After what seems like the longest winter ever, spring has finally arrived in my corner of the world (Park Slope in Brooklyn, New York). Flowers are blooming, windows are open more than closed and there is no sign of snow or winter anywhere. Don't get me wrong...I love winter and all that comes with it. But when March and April roll around, winter gets gross in New York City. The snow is dirty and when it finally melts, there is so much gross stuff on the sidewalks that you want to walk around with your eyes closed. So the fact there are flowers growing and birds chirping is totally welcome and exciting for me.
As an occupational therapist, there are a lot of exciting things that can happen therapeutically once the warmer weather arrives. Parents are always asking me for things that they can do with their children to get them outside, get them moving and get them away from the television and other electronics that tend to be used to entertain our kids during the colder months. I typically see a huge jump in skills with the kids I work with this time of the year because they are spending more time outdoors in the park or at the playground. They are watching the big kids do things and they want to try and be just like them. After months of therapy and boosting their confidence in their skills, kids who were once timid about taking risks at the playground are trying things they couldn't do before. They are spending more time socializing with other kids and less time indoors so you tend to see a huge boost in their language skills as well.
Below, you will find a handful of activities that I suggest to parents to try with their kids in order for them to carryover some of the things we are working on in our sessions. In order for kids to really learn skills, they need to be able to generalize them in different environments. All of the activities will work on improving fine motor, gross motor and sensory processing skills. They also can help in developing improved language and social skills. Most importantly, they are guaranteed to be lots of fun!

**one of the biggest complaints I get from parents about getting their kids to use a scooter is that they don't like the helmets and how they feel. Take your kid to the store with you and have them try on helmets and let them pick which one they want. Kids are way more likely to wear a helmet if they feel like it's one that they really like!
You can make this a social experience by gathering a few kids together and having them make pictures together. For example, draw a picture of a person and have each kid add their how part to complete the person. Or play a game of tic-tac-toe or hangman. You can work on letter recognition, executive functioning and social skills at the same time! If you have the space, you can have your kids draw a hopscotch board so they can work on improving gross motor skills too!

To make your own bubbles, check out this recipe:
6 cups water (you can use tap but distilled is better)
1/2 cup blue Dawn dish detergent
1/2 cup corn starch
1 tablespoon baking POWDER
1 tablespoon glycerine
Dissolve the cornstarch in the water, stirring really well. Once the cornstarch is completely dissolved, gently stir in the remaining ingredients (in no particular order) trying to not make too much froth. Let the mixture sit for at least an hour, stirring occasionally if you see that the cornstarch is settling to the bottom. Don't get discouraged if your first few bubbles don't come out too great...the mixture gets better after a few uses.
You can use bubble wands and blow bubbles (great for improving oral motor strength) or you can make your own super big bubble wand using straws and yarn (you need your yarn to measure about 6 to 8 times the length of a straw). Take the yarn and string it through the straws, tie a knot and you have your bubble wand. You can take your bubble solution and put it in a big bucket and start making giant bubbles! Guaranteed fun for kids of all ages!
These are just a handful of fun and simple activities that you can do with your kids now that the weather is nicer. I have chosen activities that can be done whether you live in the city or in the country...they just may need to be adapted based on what kind of space you have. What are you most excited about doing with your kids now that spring is actually here? Please feel free to share your fun outdoor activities with me and my readers. I'm just a click away and love hearing from each and ever one of you! I am looking forward to a fun-filled outdoor weekend with my own family and wish you all a very happy and warm weekend!