Year after year, I am asked by parents what they should get or suggest to others for holiday gifts. While they want the gifts to be something that their kids will enjoy, they would also like to make sure that it will work on improving skills at the same time. The good thing is that you know what to look for when toy shopping, you will realize that there are so many great, kid-adored products out there that will not only be fun, but can help in developing a variety of developmental skills. When I look at toys, games or arts and crafts, I look to see if there are aspects of the product that will work on the following skills:
*improve fine motor, grasping and manipulation skills
*work on increasing grasp strength
*help to develop visual skills, such as visual motor, perceptual, tracking and attention skills
*work on improving executive functioning skills such as improve focus, attention, organizational skills, etc.
*may encourage speech and language skills
*encourage social skills, such as taking turns, collaborative play, etc..
*can be adapted based on a child's skill level (and by adapted, I mean made less or more challenging based on what each child can do).
Over the course of the year, I have spent time walking in and out of a bunch of toy stores (it's actually a problem....I have to seek out the local toy stores whenever I am somewhere new). I have walked up and down aisles, researched and have been collecting information on toys, games, books, etc. that I feel should be on my annual Holiday Gift Guide. This is a labor of love and by far the blog post that I am most proud of each and every year. I hope that this helps you or that you share it with people who would find it helpful. And if you have any questions or want further suggestions, I am always a click away and always more than happy to help people out with their gift hunting!
Need ideas for the little ones in you life. Be sure to check out my gift guide for the wee ones here. How about those tough to please tweens/ sure to check out gift suggestions for them here.
Small Gifts/Stocking Stuffers
People are always on the lookout for small gifts or stocking stuffers that won't clutter up your house. There are also a lot of people who need to get a little gift for kids as a thank you for having them to a party or a simple gift exchange. I've been putting together this list for more years than I can count and one of my favorite things to share are my favorite small gifts. Stocking stuffers/small gifts are almost always the ones that bring the biggest smiles to faces. Haven't we all learned that sometimes the best gifts are the small ones that come in the smallest boxes???

Discovery Putty-working on making those little hand muscles stronger can be a challenge for kids. I have found that you have to make it fun and motivating for kids and Discovery Putty is just that. There are four sets to choose from with different themes (transportation, school supplies, animals and sweet treats). Kids work on improving their grasp strength and manipulation skills by hiding the small objects in the putty and then finding them.

Transfers-my daughter received these at a birthday party recently and she has been obsessed with them! I was so excited to see her so into them because I remember doing these when I was her age. These make a great little gift and are perfect for working on improving fine motor skills, graphomotor skills, creativity and eye-hand coordination.
Games make a great gift, especially if you are looking for gifts that will be good for the whole family. In a day and age where kids seem to be connected to some kind of electrical device more often than not, it is nice to know that there are lots of game options out there that will keep the whole family entertained. When picking games, I wanted to be sure that they could help in the development of fine motor, gross motor and/or visual skills. I also wanted to be sure that they would help in encouraging good social skills, including good sportsmanship. Many of these games can be adapted based on a child's skill level and his/her needs.

Willy's Wiggly Web-this cooperative game combines teamwork and the development of fine motor and cutting skills, eye-hand coordination, counting skills and recognizing left and right hands. The purpose of the game is to cut all the bugs free from the web before the spider falls from the top of the web. Once the web and all the bugs are in place, kids pick cards and then follow the instructions to cut the web.
ListMania-this cooperative game for kids 7 and older requires them to take turns to make a list of items in alphabetical order. This is great for working on imagination skills, organizational skills, focus, attention and regulation skills. If you want to work on improving handwriting, this could be a fun way to get them motivated to write! Some of the things you can write about are body parts or things you do at the beach. There are three different ways to play the game.

Tumbling Monkey Stick Game- this has been a fine motor favorite of mine for a long time. Much like the game Kerplunk but instead of marbles, there are monkeys that you are trying to get out of the tree. Great for working on developing fine motor and grasping skills, eye-hand coordination, problem solving, organizational skills, attention and focus. This game can be adapted to be easier or harder depending on children's skill level.

Thumbs Up-the goal of this game is to be the first to stack a series of rings on their thumb based on the card they choose. Each card has different pictures with different colored objects and numbers on it. Great game for learning colors, improving visual attention and eye-hand coordination, focus and attention and processing speed. Can be adapted for kids of different ages and skill levels.

Social Emotional Toys
In the last couple of years, I have become more and more interested in finding products that help with social emotional learning. I've had the great pleasure of being a part of The Meeting House, an amazing recreational based after school program in New York City for children with social difficulties, for the last 7 years. During this time, I have learned first hand that while most children are born with an understanding of how to be kind and understanding, there are still many children who need more support and help in developing these skills. Many of the kids I work with have a difficult time with processing both verbal and non-verbal social cues so we have to come up with alternative ways to teach them. Below, you will find a handful of games and toys that will help develop social emotional skills in a fun, engaging and meaningful way.
Make A Face!- this amazing wooden puzzle-like product by Moon Picnic is a wonderful way to teach kids about feelings and emotions. Not all children are able to talk about or recognize emotions and feelings. I love how you can flip, turn or twist the 8 different pieces of the face to make a wide range of emotions. You can use the booklet to copy the different faces or make your own. This is a great way to help begin a conversation with children about different emotions and feelings, when they might feel this way and what they can do when they are feeling certain ways. Bonus: great for working on improving fine motor and visual motor and perceptual skills.
Magnutto Make A Mood-this is another great toy to help children gain a better understanding of emotions and feelings. When you lift open the box (where you store the 133 different foam magnetic pieces) you find two faces...the top of the box is a magnetic board and kids can add all kinds of details to the two faces. Pictures of different expressions, a list of emotions and a list of questions you can ask your kids while playing that will help them not only analyze emotions but how to react to them are included with the toy. You can work on improving social skills by having kids work on the faces at the same time and encourage them to have conversations about what they created.

Kid can work on visual memory and visual motor skills, focus and attention and organizational skills while learning about feelings and emotions. Depending on the age of the kids you are playing with, you can encourage them to talk about times they feel certain emotions and how they can deal with those feelings.

Arts and Crafts (including activity books)
Sticky Mosaics-these are still one of the products that I recommend the most to families! Kids love working on their creations and don't realize that they are working on improving their fine motor, grasping, visual motor and visual perceptual and organizational skills at the same time. With so many different sets to choose from (unicorns, dinosaurs, fairies, sports, etc.) you are sure to find one that will be perfect for a kid in your life! The best part for me to see is how proud and excited the kids are when they put that final sticker on and get to take it home.
Pom Pom Pictures-I was in a new toy store out on Long Island a couple of months ago and got to spend some time with the owner of Fun Stuff Toys, who told me to try these out if I was a fan of the Sticky Mosaics. I am happy to report that Orb Factory has done it again with these Pom Pom Pictures kits! They are a huge hit with the kids at work. Each template is broken down into 4 sections; you peel the sticker off and match the small pom poms to the correct colors. Great for working on improving fine motor and grasping skills, eye-hand coordination, visual motor and visual perceptual skills and executive functioning skills such as focus, attention and organizational skills.
Pirasta Coloring Posters-these posters are a really fun family gift. My nieces have one hanging on their playroom wall and have been coloring with their friends and each other over the course of time and have the best time. There are so many different ones to choose from....foods, different cities, animals, etc.. Great for working on improving graphomotor skills, eye-hand coordination and visual motor and perceptual skills. Hanging it on the wall allows for kids to work on building upper extremity strength and shoulder stability.
The Kindness Kit-Craft-tastic has a ton of great craft kits, especially for older school-aged children. The Kindness Kit is by far one of my favorites though because it encourages children to share the crafts that they make with others. The set includes all the materials for 8 projects. Great for working on improving fine motor and grasping skills, visual motor and perceptual skills, bilateral coordination and executive functioning skills such as following directions, organizational skills, focus and attention.
Fashion Plates-another one of those toys that brings me back to my childhood! My little girl has aspirations to be a fashion designer when she grows up so when I gave these to her, she was super excited. Fashion plates encourage creativity while working on improving fine motor, visual motor and perceptual skills, graphomotor skills, bilateral coordination and executive functioning skills such as focus, attention and organizational skills. If you have a kid who isn't into design, be sure to check out the Action Plates which lets kids design their own superhero!
The Tinkering Kit-for the kid in your life who is more into building things than doing crafts, this would be the perfect gift. This is not your typical craft kit and is ideal for kids who are 6 and older. The kit comes complete with all the supplies needed to make 8 really cool projects. How much fun would your little engineer have making a zipline or a their own marble maze?? Great for working on improving fine motor, visual motor and visual perceptual skills. Especially good for working on improving executive functioning skills such as focus and attention, following multi-step directions and organizational skills.
Crazy Aaron's Mixed By Me Thinking Putty Kit-I've long been a fan of all the products by Crazy Aaron (read their beautiful story here guys....this Phildelphia-based company employs over 800 people with intellectual and developmental delays). You can't go wrong with any of their putty products because they are great for working on improving fine motor skills, strength and manipulation skills (hide coins or small objects in the putty). If you have a kid who is into science and doing experiments, you should definitely check out this kit where you can mix up your own magical putty. The set comes complete with 5 tins of clear putty, three concentrated color putties, three special effect putties and an instructional mat that gives you a bunch of ideas. There are also labels for kids to write on after they create their own putty which is great for working on improving graphomotor and creativity skills.

Building Toys
This is one of my favorite sections to complete each year. While there are several items that are always on there, I have included some new construction and STEM sets this year. These kinds of toys are great for developing a variety of fine motor skills, visual motor and perceptual skills, problem solving and executive functioning skills. They are also great for helping children become more creative, develop imagination skills and can help them feel more confident when they are done building and creating.

Tegu Blocks-another favorite of mine, the Tegu blocks are beautiful wooden blocks that stick together via magnets. Like the Magna-Tiles, I was originally drawn to these blocks because they were great for children of all ages and abilities. Kids who may present with motor and coordination problems can play with these independently and successfully which helps in building confidence, self-esteem and imagination and creativity. Tegu has evolved over the years and now have sets where you can make robots, helicopters and some really cool circuit sets!

Squigz- These colorful suction cup toys seem so simple but encourage a bunch of developmental skills in kids of all ages. pipSquigz are perfect for babies and younger children. Each set comes with 3 different shape and colored pipSquigz with a different texture and sound (kind of like a rattle) which is great for expanding their tactile world. The suction cup toys not only stick to each other but to mirrors, windows and similar like surfaces. My kids LOVE the sound they make and I love that they work on improving eye-hand coordination, visual motor and visual perceptual skills, bilateral coordination and exploring a variety of different textures. Another bonus, they are BPA-free which makes them ideal for children who may be teething. As kids get older, you can get them the Squigz. These suction cup toys can be stuck to each other or to different surfaces (like the refrigerator, mirror or windows). Kids LOVE them! Great for working on improving bilateral coordination, eye-hand coordination, grasp strengthening and visual motor skills.
Joinks-last year I wrote about Straws and Connectors, another great building toy, but spent some time this year looking for something that was a bit more durable and could handle the wear and tear of use by multiple kids. Joinks are just that! This construction kit comes with 76 flexible connectors and wooden sticks that you can use to build a variety of shapes, buildings, people, etc.. Great for working on building fine motor skills, visual motor skills, bilateral coordination, motor planning and organizational skills. Kids can work on their own to create or play with a friend and work together to help build something fabulous.

In addition to the pegboard and pegs, the set comes with a variety of connectors, wheels and a step by step activity book.
Legos-I always try and make as many different suggestions for construction and building sets before recommending the good old standby, Legos/Duplos. Over the years, Lego has evolved into something so big and targeting the interests of kids of all ages. Whether you are a superhero fan, a lover of princesses or vehicles, you will always be able to find a set that is good for your child. Legos/Duplos are great for working on improving fine motor and grasping skills, grasp strength, bilateral coordination, a variety of visual motor and perceptual skills and executive functioning skills. It's also great for building confidence and self-esteem when they complete their Lego sculpture.
One of the great things about Legos is that you can find them in any local toy store so support those small businesses and purchase your Lego sets from them instead of getting them from the big box stores. Some of my favorite stores in NYC to get them from are Westside Kids, Mary Arnold Toy Store, Toy and Stationery World , Lulu's Cuts and Toys and Little Things Toy Store in Park Slope.

Basic Builder Set-another amazing product from Hape Toys that encourages younger children to build and create! This is a great set for younger children because the pieces are bigger making them easier to manipulate. Kids can work on improving fine motor and manipulation skills, bilateral coordination, motor planning and organizational skills. The set also includes a bunch of cards with images on how to make a bunch of different things which is great for working on improving visual motor and perceptual skills.
Gross Motor
One of the things we notice these days are that kids tend to spend more time infront of a tv or some kind of electronic device. We need to make sure that we incorporate ways for kids to move every day, to build up their strength, endurance and motor planning skills. In this section of the gift guide, I share some of my favorite toys that not only work on improving gross motor skills, but may help with developing social skills such as cooperative play.

Double Rocket Launcher-this is easily one of the most popular toys at Heads Up, the therapeutic gym I work at in New York City. Kids of all ages love it and don't realize how many gross motor skills they are working on when playing with it. This is a great toy to work on jumping, running, coordination, motor planning and organizational skills. If you have a lot of space or playing with it outside, you can have kids have races to catch the rockets or have them take turns catching the rockets for each other.

Swurfer Swing-one of the best parts of my job is that I get to play all day with some of the coolest kids in New York City. The other cool thing is that I get to use swings indoors to help kids gain skills. Last year, I learned about the Swurfer swing and we got it for our gym. If you happen to have a backyard with a great big tree to hang this swing from, I highly recommend it! Not only is it super fun (not just for the kids....grownups love it too!!), it's a great swing to work on improving balance, coordination, bilateral coordination, motor planning and motor organizational skills. I've never seen my kids so happy and proud of themselves as I have once they have mastered this swing!

A Little Bit of This and A Little Bit of That
This section is dedicated to a few more of my favorites that didn't really fit into any of the categories above but can't not be included on my list.
Wooden Alphabet Phonics Matching Game-another wonderful educational handmade product from Hope Learning Toys. This matching game comes with 52 wooden pieces (made out of my favorite Lilac tree): 26 with the letters of the alphabet and 26 with an animal for every letter. Kids work on letter identification while trying to find the corresponding animal. I love how you can alter the game based on your child's age and skill set. For example, you can have the kids start by putting all the letters in order in a row and then give them an animal picture and have them match it. You can also play the traditional game of memory by turning all the pieces upside down and flipping 2 over at a time to find matches. Great for working on fine motor skills, visual memory and visual scanning, focus, attention and organizational skills.

Sand is an easy-to-shape sand that molds into anything you want! Use cookie cutters to make different objects or shapes, hide objects inside it and have kids dig around to find them. Not only great for working on improving grasp strength and manipulation skills, it can encourage play skills, creativity and imagination skills. I promise you that you'll have just as much fun playing with Kinetic Sand as your kids do!

BabyLit Playsets-I am a HUGE fan of the BabyLit series of board books. They make such great presents for all kids, especially kids of parents who love the classics. When I saw these playsets, I got so excited. There are four to choose from: Pride and Prejudice, Alice in Wonderland, Moby Dick and The Jungle Book. Each set comes with the original board book and different punch-out cards featuring the different characters from the story. The box it comes in doubles as the scenery/background for the story. These are great for working on improving focus and attention, language skills and creative skills. You can also work on improving fine motor skills and visual motor/perceptual by pushing the pieces out of the board and putting them together to play with them. I can't wait to get a couple of these sets not only for gifts, but to use in my social skills groups to put on little plays with the kids.

Rock and Roll It Piano-we all know that kid who could spend all day listening to music, singing or playing an instrument. This portable piano would make a perfect gift for any kid who would like to take their musical talents on the road! Obviously this is great for practicing piano, but also great for working on fine motor and manipulation skills, eye-hand coordination and executive functioning skills such as focus, attention, following directions and organizational skills. It's also a wonderful way to promote confidence and self-esteem in children.

Tobbly Wobbly-as you already know, I am a fan of all things Squigz related. I think the thing that I love the most is the popping sound as they pull apart from each other or off a surface. So today, I was in one of my favorite local toy stores on the UWS of New York, Stationery and Toy World and found the cutest of toys....Tobbly Wobbly by Fat Brain Toys! Who remembers the Weeble Wobble toys? This awesome toy is very much like them but you get to make it your own. When you take it out of the box, you will find a large egg that wobbles back and forth and your kid gets to personalize it! Inside the egg you will find a variety of building pieces from the Squigz collection that will help your kid build a character. Tobbly Wobbly is great for working on body awareness, bilateral coordination, fine motor and grasp strengthening, hand-eye coordination and executive functioning skills.
So there we go....the 2016 Holiday Gift Guide is finally complete! My hope is that each of you who read through this was able to find at least one gift, but hopefully more, for some of those very special little ones in your life. Each and every one of these gifts are good for all children, not just children who may receive occupational, speech or physical therapy.
My last little thing, but it is actually a huge thing. Whenever possible, I linked to small, independent toy stores....the small businesses that keep our neighborhoods what they are. I know it is easiest to go to or walk into any of the big box stores, but please keep in mind that the small businesses need our support more than any of those big box places. For my New York City based people, here are the places I shop at the most:
Norman and Jules-158 7th Ave, Park Slope, Brooklyn
Pink Olive-check out the website to see find out their location closest to you in Brooklyn or Manhattan
Little Things Toy Store-145 7th Ave, Park Slope, Brooklyn
Lulu's Toys and Cuts-48 5th Ave, Park Slope, Brooklyn
Westside Kids-498 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY
Toy and Stationery World-125 West 72nd St, New York, NY
Mary Arnold Toys-1178 Lexington Ave, New York, NY
Kidding Around Toys-Grand Central Station and 60 West 15th St, New York, NY
The Children's General Store-168 East 91st St, New York, NY
Boomerang Toys-119 West Broadway, Tribeca, NYC
Fun Stuff Toys-3639 Merrick Road, Seaford, NY
I added this to the gift-guide guide at
ReplyDeleteThank you Terri! I am always so appreciative of your support!
DeleteThis is perfect gift Ideas, I love it.
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ReplyDeleteGreat blog on PP sheets in toy making! They’re lightweight, durable, and cost-effective for crafting safe toys. Additionally, ABS plastic sheets, like the 3/8 ABS plastic sheet, offer superior impact resistance and are perfect for robust toy components. Both materials are ideal for innovative, kid-friendly designs. Thanks for sharing this insightful post!