Sticky Mosaics-these are still one of the products that I recommend the most to families! Kids love working on their creations and don't realize that they are working on improving their fine motor, grasping, visual motor and visual perceptual and organizational skills at the same time. With so many different sets to choose from (unicorns, dinosaurs, fairies, sports, etc.) you are sure to find one that will be perfect for a kid in your life! The best part for me to see is how proud and excited the kids are when they put that final sticker on and get to take it home.
Pom Pom Pictures-I was in a new toy store out on Long Island a couple of months ago and got to spend some time with the owner of Fun Stuff Toys, who told me to try these out if I was a fan of the Sticky Mosaics. I am happy to report that Orb Factory has done it again with these Pom Pom Pictures kits! They are a huge hit with the kids at work. Each template is broken down into 4 sections; you peel the sticker off and match the small pom poms to the correct colors. Great for working on improving fine motor and grasping skills, eye-hand coordination, visual motor and visual perceptual skills and executive functioning skills such as focus, attention and organizational skills.
Pirasta Coloring Posters-these posters are a really fun family gift. My nieces have one hanging on their playroom wall and have been coloring with their friends and each other over the course of time and have the best time. There are so many different ones to choose from....foods, different cities, animals, etc.. Great for working on improving graphomotor skills, eye-hand coordination and visual motor and perceptual skills. Hanging it on the wall allows for kids to work on building upper extremity strength and shoulder stability.
The Kindness Kit-Craft-tastic has a ton of great craft kits, especially for older school-aged children. The Kindness Kit is by far one of my favorites though because it encourages children to share the crafts that they make with others. The set includes all the materials for 8 projects. Great for working on improving fine motor and grasping skills, visual motor and perceptual skills, bilateral coordination and executive functioning skills such as following directions, organizational skills, focus and attention.
Fashion Plates-another one of those toys that brings me back to my childhood! My little girl has aspirations to be a fashion designer when she grows up so when I gave these to her, she was super excited. Fashion plates encourage creativity while working on improving fine motor, visual motor and perceptual skills, graphomotor skills, bilateral coordination and executive functioning skills such as focus, attention and organizational skills. If you have a kid who isn't into design, be sure to check out the Action Plates which lets kids design their own superhero!
The Tinkering Kit-for the kid in your life who is more into building things than doing crafts, this would be the perfect gift. This is not your typical craft kit and is ideal for kids who are 6 and older. The kit comes complete with all the supplies needed to make 8 really cool projects. How much fun would your little engineer have making a zipline or a their own marble maze?? Great for working on improving fine motor, visual motor and visual perceptual skills. Especially good for working on improving executive functioning skills such as focus and attention, following multi-step directions and organizational skills.
Crazy Aaron's Mixed By Me Thinking Putty Kit-I've long been a fan of all the products by Crazy Aaron (read their beautiful story here guys....this Phildelphia-based company employs over 800 people with intellectual and developmental delays). You can't go wrong with any of their putty products because they are great for working on improving fine motor skills, strength and manipulation skills (hide coins or small objects in the putty). If you have a kid who is into science and doing experiments, you should definitely check out this kit where you can mix up your own magical putty. The set comes complete with 5 tins of clear putty, three concentrated color putties, three special effect putties and an instructional mat that gives you a bunch of ideas. There are also labels for kids to write on after they create their own putty which is great for working on improving graphomotor and creativity skills.

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